A Service You Can Count On

Leading provider of quality solutions, supporting the warfighters. Our mission is as rooted in the pursuit of a quality experience as the rest of our operations.

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Our Services

What We can do for you

Creating economic growth in the community while encouraging international relations.
Mauna Services specializes in providing mission critical / life support services to United States government and international commercial organizations.


Mauna Services has partnered with many local businesses, creating economic growth in the community while encouraging international relations.


Together, our teams work collaboratively with customers and vendors to craft a solution that provides the best value and one that is delivered on time, in scope and within budget.


As a business owner, you'll encounter some difficult decisions you'll have to make. We've  got your back. We gladly give you advise on investing consciously.

about us

How we became Mauna Services

Mauna Services has provided high-quality products, educational opportunities, and service contracts to, military professionals, and those with maritime needs since its founding. It began as a humble supplier representative to the United States Navy, but by providing superior service for a quickly-expanding customer base, the brand has since made a name for itself on a global scale.

Our goal is to offer military, maritime markets, and homeland preparedness institutions with products and training that truly prepare individuals working within these teams for the challenges they’ll be facing on a day to day basis. There may be other companies out there who offer these services, but Mauna Services is the only one with a vision of leadership, quality, reliability, and determination to provide the results you want to see after your training is complete and you’ve acquired top-tier equipment.

Our team

Meet our lovely team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla.

Ron Wexler

Founder & CEO

Chloë Stone


Martin Smith


John Stevens


We Take Your Mission Very Seriously. Providing Great Quality Service Is Our Duty.

Mirza Henderson
Founder Of Mauna Services

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our cross-cultural, multi-lingual sales team has over a century of combined experience.

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